
Shawn F. Murphy (aka smurp)

TiddlyWiki version 5.1.23

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smurp24th June 2021 at 6:25pm

Hi! I'm Shawn Murphy, a Canadian software architect living in Berlin.

On this site you'll find:

shawn, with eyes moving around


smurp17th March 2021 at 7:44pm
creations thumbs


smurp13th April 2023 at 4:54am
CI++ mission-statements

Mission: Software-Supported Wisdom

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” — Albert Einstein

I'm on a mission! Here are a few different ways it can be phrased:

Which challenges might this effort address?

  • AI alignment problem
  • fake news
  • culture war
  • irreproducible science
  • democracy in crisis
  • the singularity
  • conscious evolution
  • the meaning of work

How You Can Help


11th March 2021 at 2:20pm
creations digital-humanities graph-visualization JSON-LD OWL RDF Turtle

HuViz is a scriptable, interactive, customizable, semantic web graph-visualization technology I've developed to help users to understand SemanticWeb ontologies and datasets.

It is designed to be a plugin for at least two systems, the LINCS -- Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship and the Nooron project.


smurp15th March 2021 at 12:29am
creations graph-visualization javascript knowledge-editor node-js nooron-prototype OKBC websockets

NooronNoobj was an experiment in interactive graph layout of knowledge. It was built on a re-interpretation of the OKBC formalism. This Nooron prototype featured self-hosted semantic-oriented programming and knowledge management along with real-time collaborative ontologizing through a graph visualization.

The stack was thoroughly 201x (Node.js, D3.js and WebSockets) but the semantic aspect was a revisiting of the OKBC. In that way it harkened back to the PerlJavaIdeaEngine I wrote back in 1998. What an improvement in web standards we enjoy these days relative to the turbulence of the Browser Wars era!

Learning: This version had lots of great stuff about it, including that it enabled the collaboration on HuViz with the OrlandoProject. Henceforth HuViz consumed my available time and also convinced me that full OWL/RDF compatibility was worth settling on vs continuing with "noobj" OKBC semantics.


11th March 2021 at 5:55pm
creations DocBook graph-visualization nooron-prototype OKBC pattern-language pert-charts Python SVG

PyNooron at (built on PyOKBC) was a version of Nooron which got to the point of being a SemanticPublishing system, performing KnowledgeRepresentation using the OKBC formalism and presenting it in formats such as HTML, GraphViz, DocBook, Postscript, PDF and PNG. It had ontologically-driven apps for PatternLanguages, ProjectManagement and BestPractices.

Here is PyNooron representing itself in this dynamically generated depiction of the Nooron Pattern Language

Here it is showing the PERT chart of its own development process


smurp15th March 2021 at 1:18am
creations hyper-video javascript knowledge-editor many-voices node-js nooron-prototype OWL RDF Turtle websockets

LibNoo is a Nooron prototype focused on combining:

  • a dynamic visualization plugin architecture
  • tiling pane management
  • many voices capability
  • multi-tenanted site-hosting
  • user-extensible menus
  • and a semantic hyper-video system


smurp17th March 2021 at 8:22pm
creations documentation literate-programming Python R-Lang reproducible-science

LaTeX is great, but it is a little tricky to use. OrgMode is an EMACS module which makes it even greater. I was missing out on OrgMode until just recently, so I've created a small document called LaTeX by Example (using org-mode) which demonstrates:

  • basic styling, including tables and links
  • diagramming in R
  • diagramming in GraphViz
  • running Shell code
  • running Python code
  • generating QR codes

The PDF version of the document even includes its own .org source code

OrgMode matters because its a free and open tool for reproducible research and literate programming in a programming-language agnostic way.


smurp15th March 2021 at 10:01pm

Spangler is a fractal graphics algorithm which displays number sequences (for example 2,6,5,4,3) in a fashion which can be described as "Draw 3 groups of 4 groups of 5 groups of figures with 6 vertices where the lines travel a distance of two vertices". Then it goes further and animates the little buggers...

1 31 42 52 61 3 31 3 3 31 3 3 3 3